Looking for a Centre where
Your Child
Will Be Safe?
Where Fun Happens!
Your Children
Where work and play come together
The Center for Early Childhood Education
We provide an innovative, nurturing and stimulating environment where children develop independence, confidence and a positive sense of self and the world around them. Our curriculum is designed to involve children in experiences that enhance language, literacy, music, movement, art and socialization. Through play, all areas of development are fostered.
read moreWe are dedicated to the care and education
Our Educational Programs
Our exclusive curricula, combined with our own digital lesson planning tool, enable teachers to create personalized learning experiences, appropriate to every age group.
Energy. Excitement. Motion. These are the qualities that define a toddler and they are used in this program to power positive learning experiences.
Enrollment: 10
Staff Ratio: 1 to 5
Infants 3-12Months
Energy. Excitement. Motion. These are the qualities that define a toddler and they are used in this program to power positive learning experiences.
Enrollment: 10
Staff Ratio: 1 to 5
Toddler 1-3Months
Students will receive traditional education in science, engineering, the arts, and math and will be tracked academically and socially through continuous assessments.
Enrollment: 12
Staff Ratio: 1 to 5
Preschool 3-4Years
This program preps your child with lessons in forming and maintaining a positive attitude towards independent learning, and mastering gross as well as fine motor skills.
Enrollment: 12
Staff Ratio: 1 to 5
Pre – Kindergarten 1-3Years
We provide the main activities
Elements of Learning. Committed to Excellence
Our curriculum is based on the research of the most renowned education experts. Designed by our education team, it’s created to support these important early years, to inspire children to be bold explorers today and joyful, confident learners for life.
We believe that children learn best through play and are inspired by child based learning. We have several different areas of play in each of our groups.
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The Toddler and Preschool Groups have a garden in their outdoor space. Each spring, the children and teachers contribute and create beautiful and educational container/raised bed gardens.
Children need to develop large motor and small motor skills and cardiovascular endurance. Extensive physical activity is also needed to address a growing problem of obesity in American children.
Kids will love designing and creating puppets and collages, constructing musical instruments and flower bouquets, and painting, gluing, and crafting to their hearts’ content!
Excursions form a vital part of a child’s early education. They expose a child to a range of different experiences and enable them to gain a sense of the world in which they find themselves.
Our children benefit from a variety of outdoor play spaces. In addition to our playground, they experience the natural wonders of the forest, the big field, our raised gardens and nature walks.
A preschool math curriculum should be taught using preschool lessons including interactive activities, learning games, printable worksheets, assessments, and reinforcement.
A systematic and integrated literacy program promote language development preschool children. The program uses systematic, direct instruction built around a series of weekly books in the classroom.
We Create a Nurturing Environment for Each Child
Thought open ended play based experiences children flourish, and grow to love their school, taking pride in belonging to a community
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Why Choose ChildiT
Home-like Environment
Children are comfortable and confident in their home, feeling safe and secure to explore and learn.
Loving Language
90% success rate of children reading before they go to school for children attending more than 12 months.
30 Day Moneyback Guarantee
If you’re not completely satisfied we will refund your money, no questions asked.
Culture of Honour
We aim to help all people that come into contact with ChildiT to feel Significant, Appreciated and Understood.
Orientation Process
Makes the process of you and your child settling into care with ChildiT that much smoother.
Quality Educators
Trusted, highly trained and hand-picked Educators. We believe that educators play a huge role in quality child care.
Children need healthy, wholesome foods
Healthy Food for Growing Children
By eating family-style and serving themselves, children learn about making healthy choices and the connection between food and community.
Want to know more about us?
Centre Information
We believe children learn by building on the knowledge they already have – primarily exhibited through play. Teachers help children learn by creating a rich environment to explore via exciting educational activities.
Image of the child
Teachers can then shape and build on that knowledge by discovering what children already know through observation, one-on-one conversation, clarification, and invitation to explore the world around them.
Positive Discipline
Spanking or other methods of corporal punishment are never to be used as a means of disciplining students. This no spanking policy extends to parents with their own children while at school or school sponsored events.
Environment is important
We like to work and play in attractive surroundings so our buildings are clean, relatively tidy, and pleasing to the eye. The outdoor environments are large, have colourful and interesting gardens, and a variety of activities.
Positive, Safe Environment – We are committed to providing an uplifting and positive atmosphere for our children and staff; a fun learning experience in a secure, safe, and loving environment.
Leadership – We are committed to lead; developing, monitoring, and empowering our children and our staff to reach their full potential.
Excellence – We are committed to achieve the greatest levels of excellence in childcare, in education and in everything we do; being highly professional, innovative, creative, efficient, and effective.
Respect – We are committed to building strong, healthy relationships with each other, our children & their families, along with the community through communication and understanding of the cultures around us.
Integrity – We are committed to carry out our mission.
We have a focus on recruiting and retaining quality teachers and offer competitive remuneration, good student discipline and relatively small class sizes
If you have feedback or words of praise that you would like to share, please submit your review at the bottom of this page.
Magda Peštuková
Ve školce jsme našli všechno, co je ke spokojenému dětství potřeba.
Pečlivý a vlídný dohled profesionálního týmu vede děti ke zvládání nezbytných dovedností jako je válení sudů a lezení po stromech na Petříně, vyřezávání lodiček, opékání špekáčků a zahradničení. Přes skvělou domácí kuchyni až po kultivaci mezilidských vztahů (i mezigeneračních v domově pro seniory) dětem dospělí průvodci pomáhají v růstu, hledání sebevědomí, vlastního místa ve společnosti a vnímavosti k okolí.
Za to všechno všem moc děkujeme!
Karolína Némethová
Milujeme Živé děti! Jsou prostě nejlepší. Nevím, jak jinak, míň emotivně to popsat. Jsem vděčná, že dcera mohla strávit školkový věk v tak bezpečném, pohodovém a kreativním prostředí se skvělými průvodci. Ve školce, kde se každý den děje tolik zajímavého, kde se podnikají výlety do lesa, přírody, ale i za kulturou. Kde jsou dobré a respektující vztahy mezi dětmi i dospěláky. Moc děkujeme za ty skvělé roky, váš přístup, za to že jste. Považuji to za štěstí, že jsme měli tu možnost a každodenní rozzářený obličej mého dítěte je toho důkazem. Díky za vše. -
Veronika Rážová
Jsme velice spokojeni s průvodci, s umístěním školky, s dokonalým programem a hlavně s tím, kolik zážitků si syn přináší. Adaptace u nás trvala déle, ale průvodci se k tomu postavili čelem a s trpělivostí sobě vlastní synovi dali prostor, čas, pochopení i pomocnou ruku. Děkujeme a těšíme se na další školní rok 🙂
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